Weston’s July 4th Celebration!

Bring your lawn chairs and Come on out at 4:00 PM to listen to the United States Navy Rock Band play a set of classic rock an patriotic songs. Rotary Club of Weston will provide ice cream treats and water while supplies last.

Platte City 4th of July

Downtown Platte City 415 3rd St., Platte City, MO

Free Food, Music and Fun Activities

Parkville July 4 Celebration!

Join us for our annual PARKVILLE 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION on Tuesday, July 5, 2023!
Parkville’s traditional salute to Independence Day includes a pancake breakfast, a community parade, food, fun, shopping, music by the Navy Band Great Lake Brass Quintet,  a skydiving exhibition, and our fabulous Fireworks Finale at 9:30 p.m.

Platte County Fair

Platte County Fairgrounds First St. & Trebble St., Tracy, MO

159th Annual – We’re excited to bring you 4 full nights this year!

Platte County Steam Engine Show

Platte County Fairgrounds First St. & Trebble St., Tracy, MO

Revisit agricultural history with the 63rd annual Platte County Steam & Gas Show on August 9-11 at the Platte County fairgrounds. There will demonstrations, activities for the kids and great food all weekend long.

Parkville Days

English Landing Park 127 Main St., Parkville, MO, United States

One of downtown Parkville’s biggest festivals, the annual Parkville Days offers great family entertainment and fun in historic downtown Parkville.


Edgerton Pioneer Days

Each fall, Edgerton residents are joined by those from surrounding areas to celebrate the community's history. All ages gather in downtown Edgerton the second weekend in September each year for the free three-day event. Organized by members of the volunteer Pioneer Days committee, with sponsorships and assistance from area businesses and organizations, the festival features […]

Zona Rosa – Fall Concerts in the Park

Join us for Fall Concerts in the Park, featuring local Kansas City bands. This is a FREE community event for the entire family. Bring a lawn chair or blanket and find a spot and enjoy live music in the newly renovated Central Park.

Weston Applefest

Downtown Weston 526 Main Street, Weston, MO

Apple Butter Bash • Apple Dumpling Days • Changing of the Leaves & Hot Cider Craze • Parade of Pumpkins • A Little Slice of Weston – pumpkin happenings • Halloween • Hunter’s Widow Week

Tobacco Festival

Weston Burley House will be transformed into Havanna Casino during the Tobacco Festival complete with a whole hog roast, beer, bands, and casino games. Great prizes for the casino game winners. Up close look at this year's tobacco crop and how the production process works.    
